
BRAP-2024 Sl. No. Departments Sub-Area Reform Details Download / View
129 Factories & Boilers

Registration of Factories under The Factories Act, 1948

Introduce a provision for allowing the validity of license under the Factories Act, 1948 to be 10 years or more. 

130 Factories & Boilers

Registration of Factories under The Factories Act, 1948

Ensure that information is available on website on all necessary components for availing a service such as comprehensive list of documents required, procedure with stage wise details, cost and time for completion of each procedure/ step, searchable based on risk category, size of firm, business location and Foreign/ Domestic investor

131 Factories & Boilers

Registration of Factories under The Factories Act, 1948

Mandate time-bound delivery through a legislation such as:
1. Right to Services Act / Public Service guarantee Act
2. Equivalent act with punitive provisions and grievance mechanism in case the stipulated timelines are not met. 

132 Factories & Boilers

Registration of Factories under The Factories Act, 1948

Design and implement an online system and mandate the following features without the requirement of physical visit to the department:
i.   Submission of application
ii. Payment of application fee
iii. Track status of application
iv. Download the final signed certificate
v. Third party verification 

133 Factories & Boilers

Registration of Factories under The Factories Act, 1948

Ensure safety conditions are prescribed in line with the provision made in the OSH Code which permits women to work at night and in all occupations subject to their consent

134 Factories & Boilers

Renewal of Factories Registration under The Factories Act, 1948

Eliminate the requirement of renewal of registration or allow auto-renewal

135 Factories & Boilers

Approval of plan and permission to construct/extend/or take into use any building as a factory 

Ensure that information is available on website on all necessary components for availing a service such as comprehensive list of documents required, procedure with stage wise details, updated cost and time for completion of each procedure/ step, searchable based on risk category, size of firm, business location and Foreign/ Domestic investor

136 Factories & Boilers

Approval of plan and permission to construct/extend/or take into use any building as a factory 

Mandate time-bound delivery through a legislation such as:
1. Right to Services Act / Public Service guarantee Act
2. Equivalent act with punitive provisions and grievance mechanism in case the stipulated timelines are not met. 

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137 Factories & Boilers

Approval of plan and permission to construct/extend/or take into use any building as a factory 

Design and implement an online system and mandate the following features without the requirement of physical visit to the department:
i.   Submission of application
ii. Payment of application fee
iii. Track status of application
iv. Download the final signed certificate
v. Third party verification 

138 Factories & Boilers

Third party certification for boilers under Boilers Act 1923

Introduce a provision for third party certification for boilers during use u/s 34 (3) of the Boilers Act, 1923, by authorizing Boiler Operation Engineer (BoE) having the following qualification: 
1. Graduate in Mechanical/ Production/ Power Plant/ Metallurgical engineering from a recognized institution;
2. Minimum 5 years of experience in the field related to boilers 

139 Factories & Boilers

Registration and Renewal of Boilers under The Boilers Act, 1923

Ensure that information is available on website on all necessary components for availing a service such as comprehensive list of documents required, procedure with stage wise details, cost and time for completion of each procedure/ step, searchable based on risk category, size of firm, business location and Foreign/ Domestic investor

140 Factories & Boilers

Registration and Renewal of Boilers under The Boilers Act, 1923

Mandate time-bound delivery through a legislation such as:
1. Right to Services Act / Public Service guarantee Act
2. Equivalent act with punitive provisions and grievance mechanism in case the stipulated timelines are not met. 

141 Factories & Boilers

Registration and Renewal of Boilers under The Boilers Act, 1923

States to have an online system and ensure the following features without the requirement of physical visit to the department:
i.   Submission of application
ii. Payment of application fee
iii. Track status of application
iv. Download the final signed certificate
v. Third party verification 

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142 Factories & Boilers

Registration of Boilers Manufactures under The Boilers Act, 1923

Ensure that information is available on website on all necessary components for availing a service such as comprehensive list of documents required, procedure with stage wise details, cost and time for completion of each procedure/ step, searchable based on risk category, size of firm, business location and Foreign/ Domestic investor

143 Factories & Boilers

Registration of Boilers Manufactures under The Boilers Act, 1923

Mandate time-bound delivery through a legislation such as:
1. Right to Services Act / Public Service guarantee Act
2. Equivalent act with punitive provisions and grievance mechanism in case the stipulated timelines are not met. 

144 Factories & Boilers

Registration of Boilers Manufactures under The Boilers Act, 1923

States to have an online system and ensure the following features without the requirement of physical visit to the department:
i.   Submission of application
ii. Payment of application fee
iii. Track status of application
iv. Download the final signed certificate
v. Third party verification 

253 Factories & Boilers

Compliance Inspection by Department of Labour/ Department of Factories

Allow self-certification/ third party certification instead of Departmental inspections under all the labour laws and The Factories Act, 1948. Define the criteria for recognition of third-party agencies/individuals and publish a list on the Department/board portal

254 Factories & Boilers

Compliance Inspection by Department of Labour/ Department of Factories

Mandate to Publish an online dashboard in public domain with following features:
i. Clearly publish the data on number of applications received and granted, and the time taken and cost incurred to grant approvals/certificate
ii. Highlight that the dashboard is updated preferably on real time or updated regularly (daily/weekly/fortnightly/monthly). Date and time of modification may be mentioned

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